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The World Tribunal On Iraq
This tribunal is a defense against one of the most cowardly wars ever fought, in which international institutions were used to force a country to disarm and then stood by while it was attacked with a greater array of weapons than has ever been used in the history of war.
This tribunal is not in any way a defense of Saddam Hussein. His crimes cannot be written off. But when Saddam Hussein was committing his worst crimes, the U.S. government was supporting him politically and materially.
Saddam Hussein is being tried as a war criminal even as we speak. But what about those who helped to install him in power, who armed him, who supported him -- and who are now setting up a tribunal to try him and absolve themselves completely?
The evidence and information compiled by this tribunal should serve as a weapon in the hands of those who wish to participate in the resistance against the occupation of Iraq. It should become a weapon in the hands of soldiers in the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Australia, and elsewhere who do not wish to fight, who do not wish to lay down their lives -- or to take the lives of others -- for a pack of lies.
This evidence should be used to try as war criminals George Bush, Tony Blair, John Howard, Silvio Berlusconi, and all who participated in this war and now profit from it.
The assault on Iraq is an assault on all of us: on our dignity, our intelligence, and our future.
The World Tribunal on Iraq places its faith in the consciences of millions of people across the world who do not wish to stand by and watch while the people of Iraq are being slaughtered, subjugated, and humiliated.
You have been reading excerpts from a speech by Arundhati Roy. The entire speech is here: /www.informationclearinghouse.info/article9259.htm. For more information about the World Tribunal On Iraq, please see: worldtribunal.org/main/?b=84.
This tribunal is a defense against one of the most cowardly wars ever fought, in which international institutions were used to force a country to disarm and then stood by while it was attacked with a greater array of weapons than has ever been used in the history of war.
This tribunal is not in any way a defense of Saddam Hussein. His crimes cannot be written off. But when Saddam Hussein was committing his worst crimes, the U.S. government was supporting him politically and materially.
Saddam Hussein is being tried as a war criminal even as we speak. But what about those who helped to install him in power, who armed him, who supported him -- and who are now setting up a tribunal to try him and absolve themselves completely?
The evidence and information compiled by this tribunal should serve as a weapon in the hands of those who wish to participate in the resistance against the occupation of Iraq. It should become a weapon in the hands of soldiers in the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Australia, and elsewhere who do not wish to fight, who do not wish to lay down their lives -- or to take the lives of others -- for a pack of lies.
This evidence should be used to try as war criminals George Bush, Tony Blair, John Howard, Silvio Berlusconi, and all who participated in this war and now profit from it.
The assault on Iraq is an assault on all of us: on our dignity, our intelligence, and our future.
The World Tribunal on Iraq places its faith in the consciences of millions of people across the world who do not wish to stand by and watch while the people of Iraq are being slaughtered, subjugated, and humiliated.
You have been reading excerpts from a speech by Arundhati Roy. The entire speech is here: /www.informationclearinghouse.info/article9259.htm. For more information about the World Tribunal On Iraq, please see: worldtribunal.org/main/?b=84.